Nighthawk Pro Gaming XR500

Netgear Nighthawk Pro Gaming XR500 Dropping Connection?

Is your Netgear router dropping connection every now and then? Recently a user reported a similar issue with the Netgear Nighthawk pro gaming XR500 router that it drops connection every 2nd minute. What could have happened? Have you tried updating its firmware? Timely updates are very important! In case you haven’t done it yet, then get it done right away.

Let us tell you all the other solutions that will help you fix the signal-dropping issue with the Nighthawk router. FYI, if you have any other Netgear router setup done and not XR500, even then the same solutions will help you.

Fixing Netgear Nighthawk Pro Gaming XR500 Poor Signal

If the Nighthawk router is going on dropping connection and you can not get connected to its WiFi then you should apply some troubleshooting hacks that we have mentioned in this section. These are the best possible fixes that have helped plenty of Netgear users in the past. We are hopeful that these fixes will work well even for you.

Give a Shot at Power Cycle Process

This is a versatile fix that works like magic to eliminate technical glitches from the devices. This should you as well. Wondering what a power cycle process is? This means powering off the devices on the network by removing the connections. So, power cycle your home network now. Here are the steps that you can follow:

  • Power off the Netgear Nighthawk XR500 router by taking out its power cable.
  • Do the same with the modem also.
  • If these two are connected with a LAN cable then take it out as well.
  • Wait for some time now.
  • Begin by joining the LAN cable between the devices.
  • Plug in the power cables next.
  • Finally, toggle the power button on the modem first and then on the router.

The Nighthawk Pro gaming XR500 router should be up and working normally now. Connect to its network and see if the signal still drops.

Change the LAN Cable

Have you connected the Netgear router to the modem using a good LAN cable? Perhaps not! This is why the signal keeps dropping now and then. The modem serves as the input signal provider for the router. That said, you must have both these devices connected in a proper manner.

Use the Right Ports on the Devices

In case you have already connected the Nighthawk router to the modem using a LAN cable. Then you must make sure that the established connection is well in place. You should check that the ports that you have used to insert the LAN cable are in good condition and you have used the right ports.

It is recommended to take out the cable, clean the ports using a soft brush, and then make the connection again.

Get the Firmware Upgraded

You should consider updating the firmware on your Nighthawk router if it behaves abnormally. In fact, you should keep an eye on the updates released by Netgear for your router model XR500. Every time there is an update ready, get it installed immediately. The router keeps giving its best performance this way.

To update the firmware, you should first connect your computer or mobile to the router’s network. We suggest you make a LAN cable instead of a WiFi connection. Now log in to the Netgear router using the admin details on a browser or Nighthawk app and get the firmware updated to the latest version.

Perform a Factory Reset

There are two scenarios now. One is that you can not connect to the router’s network on your computer or mobile and you can’t update the firmware. The second is if the firmware update is done but still the router is not working properly.

In both scenarios, you should factory reset your router. The reset process wipes out the current settings that you have customized on it. Press the Reset button with a sharp pointed object and hold it for about 10 seconds. Release the button after that. The Netgear Nighthawk Pro gaming XR500 router is now running on the default factory settings.

Final Thoughts

Upon resetting your Netgear router, you should set it up again. Be certain that you are making a solid connection between the router and modem while setting it up. Also, follow the correct setup steps. After Netgear router setup, get the firmware updated to the recent version. You will no longer be troubled by the Netgear Nighthawk Pro gaming XR500 router’s signal-dropping issue.

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